Review Sound guardian ( Cro) (5 points)

Skage - "Procrastination Blues" (naslovnica)

Prije samo pet dana službeno je preko Slide Production objavljen album "Procrastination Blues" glazbenika koji djeluje pod imenom Skage.

Inače, radi se o gitaristu koji dolazi iz Norveške i zove se Arne Skage. Album "Procrastination Blues" njegov je nastupni album, a u svojoj zemlji poznat je kao gitarist iz benda Reidara Larsena, Mr Blues, a poznat je iz tonskih zapisa drugih glazbenika s kojima je snimao, poput Eriksena, Thomasa Dybdahla i Sveina Tanga Wa. Da, znam, mnogima u ovom dijelu Europe to ne govori mnogo, a i ne mora, bitno je da se sada otvorila mogućnost da vas upoznam s njegovim nastupnim solo albumom.

Na istom nalazimo glazbeni sadržaj koji vas zasigurno neće razočarati, jer radi se o odličnoj americani, gdje se sudaraju različiti glazbeni utjecaji i stilovi i znalački spojeni daju odlične rezultate.

Svi ćete na prvu reći: Dr. John! A onda, kada se malo pažljivije posluša, spoznat ćete priču koja ima samo taj prizvuk, a u biti je itekako originalna i vrlo slušljiva, dražesna i plesna!

Album su odsvirali Arne Skage (vokali, gitare, bas i udaraljke) i njegova ekipa – Terence Higgins (bubnjevi i udaraljke), John Papa Gros (klavijature) i René Coman (bas) – a uz njih tu su bili i: Reidar Larsen (klavir), Lars Christian Narum (Hammond b3), Atle Rakvåg (bas), Jonno Frishberg (violina, triangle, harmonika), Steve Conn, Arve Håland (harmonika), odlični back vokali Erica Falls, Leslie B Smith, Tricia Bouttè, Thale Log Skage, Joe Rusi, Inge Svege i Daniel Eriksen, Dr. Bekken (tuba) i Knut Hem (bubnjevi). Ma, nema nikakve dvojbe, ljudi su snimili sjajan album, koji ima ama baš sve, i rep i glavu i ugođaj. Indijanska mardi gras, cajun glazbe, streetbeats, secondline, R&B i uptown funk sudaraju se i izmijenjuju u glazbenom sardžaju albuma. No, ključ cijele ove glazbene priče ogleda se u šarolikom New Orleans glazbenom stilu. Što je toliko čujno i očevidno da ni početnicima neće biti teško to zaključiti, a svi oni koji su malo dublje u svemu ovome, jednostavno znaju da je tu jako puno zamki. No, Skage i ekipa to sve znalački nadilaze i preskaču i donose nam doista zanimljiv glazbeni sadržaj. Na vama je da se odlučite i jednostavno krenete u još jednu sjajnu glazbenu avanturu.

Iako se radi o nastupnom albumu, nekako sam na prvu stekao dojam kao da ovog glazbenika i njegov rad dobro poznajem, to je zapravo priča koja će tek dobiti svoj, nadam se, puni "šus".

"Procrastination Blues" glazbenika Arne Skagea apsolutno preporučujem svima, i vrsnim znalcima i onima koji su tek otkrili ovaj glazbeni stil. Ovo je pravi album za sve!

google translate : Just five days ago, the album "Procrastination Blues" by the musician, which operates under the name Skage, was officially released through Slide Production.

By the way, this is a guitarist who comes from Norway and his name is Arne Skage. The album "Procrastination Blues" is his debut album, and in his country he is known as a guitarist from Reidar Larsen's band, Mr Blues, and is known from the recordings of other musicians with whom he recorded, such as Eriksen, Thomas Dybdahl and Svein Tang Wa. Yes, I know, it doesn't say much to many in this part of Europe, and it doesn't have to, it's important that now I have the opportunity to introduce you to his upcoming solo album.

On the same we find music content that will certainly not disappoint you, because it is a great American, where different musical influences and styles collide and expertly combined give great results.

You will all say at first: Dr. John! And then, when you listen a little more carefully, you will realize a story that has only that overtone, and in fact it is very original and very audible, charming and danceable!

The album was played by Arne Skage (vocals, guitars, bass and percussion) and his team - Terence Higgins (drums and percussion), John Papa Gros (keyboards) and René Coman (bass) - and with them were: Reidar Larsen ( piano), Lars Christian Narum (Hammond b3), Atle Rakvåg (bass), Jonno Frishberg (violin, triangle, accordion), Steve Conn, Arve Håland (accordion), excellent back vocals Erica Falls, Leslie B Smith, Tricia Bouttè, Thale Log Skage, Joe Rusi, Inge Svege and Daniel Eriksen, Dr. Bekken (tuba) and Knut Hem (drums). Well, there is no doubt, people have recorded a great album, which has just about everything, and the tail and the head and the atmosphere. Indian mardi gras, cajun music, streetbeats, secondline, R&B and uptown funk collide and alternate in the musical content of the album. But the key to this whole musical story is reflected in the colorful New Orleans musical style. Which is so audible and obvious that even beginners won’t find it hard to conclude, and all those who are a little deeper into all of this simply know that there are so many pitfalls. But Skage and the team expertly go beyond and skip it all and bring us really interesting music content. It’s up to you to decide and simply embark on another great musical adventure.


Although this is an inaugural album, I somehow got the impression at first that I knew this musician and his work well, it is actually a story that will just get its, I hope, full "shush".

I absolutely recommend "Procrastination Blues" by musician Arne Skage to everyone, both to top connoisseurs and to those who have just discovered this musical style. This is the right album for everyone!